Past PMB Endowed Lectures
For a schedule of all Plant & Microbial Biology events, seminars, and lectures visit our calendar.
Dianne K. Newman: [Kustu Lecture] Context matters: agathokakological roles for redox-active "antibiotics"
Tsujimoto Lecture: Deciphering the human gut microbiome with chemistry
David Nelson: Buchanan Lecture: How plants sense and respond to karrikins, a class of growth regulators in smoke
Taylor-White Lecture w/Toby Kiers
Siobhan Braybrook: What do walls have to do with it? Multiscale implications for growth and survival
Rytas Vilgalys: Taylor-White Lecture: Genetics of fungal colonization associated with global exotic forestry: insights from pines and their symbiotic mycorrhizal fungi
Rytas Vilgalys. Ph.D., Virginia Polytech Institute and State University, 1985 MS Botany, Virginia Tech, 1982 M.S., Virginia Polytech Institute and State University, 1981 BA Botany, State University of New York College at Geneseo, 1978 B.A., State University of New York, Geneseo, 1978
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Susan Golden: Arnon Lecture: Circadian regulation of gene expression in vivo and in vitro
Susan Golden received a B.A. (1978) in Biology from Mississippi University for Women and a Ph.D. (1983) in Genetics from the University of Missouri. After postdoctoral research at the University of Chicago, she joined the faculty of Biology at Texas A&M University (1986).
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Tim Van Opijnen: Tsujimoto Lecture: On the Origin of Personalized Infectious Disease Treatment Strategies by Means of Rapid Detection and Disease Outcome Predictions
"Tim Van Opijnen received his Masters in evolutionary genetics from the University of Amsterdam, and as a graduate student he worked on the evolution of HIV at the Medical School of the University of Amsterdam. As a postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Dr. Andrew Camilli at Tufts University in Boston his interests shifted to bacterial pathogens and systems biology. In January 2013 he started his own...
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Patrick Keeling: Buchanan Lecture: Coral, Photosynthesis, and the origin of Apicomplexan Parasites
Patrick John Keeling is a biologist and professor in the Department of Botany at the University of British Columbia. His research investigates the phylogeny, genomics and molecular evolution of protists and his work has led to numerous advances in assembling the eukaryotic tree of life.
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