The department is affiliated with a number of biology and research units, both on and off the UC Berkeley campus. Many of the faculty at PMB hold joint appointments at these institutions, including:

Joint Bioenergy Institute
JBEI - A San Francisco Bay Area scientific partnership to advance biofuels development – liquid fuels derived from the solar energy stored in plant biomass.
Energy Biosciences Institute
EBI - A collaboration between UC Berkeley, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and British Petroleum dedicated to biofuels research.
California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences
QB3 - QB3’s mission is to stimulate innovative life science to keep us healthy, sustain our environment and grow the economy. It is a collaboration between UC Berkeley, UC San Francisco and UC Santa Cruz.
Joint Genome Institute
JGI - A Department of Energy endeavor devoted to advances in bioenergy and environmental research.

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Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
LBNL - Part of the national laboratory system supported by the U.S. Department of Energy and managed by the University of California, LBNL conducts unclassified research across a wide range of scientific disciplines. The lab is located above UC Berkeley and employs approximately 4,200 scientists, engineers, support staff and students.
Plant Gene Expression Center
PGEC - The PGEC conducts fundamental research in plant molecular biology and is a unique partnership between the Department of Plant & Microbial Biology and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Principal Investigators are elucidating the signal transduction pathways responsible for the perception of environmental and cellular cues. Research programs include disease resistance, the circadian clock, vegetative growth, and microbiome interactions. Essential genes and the networks within which they operate are elucidated using molecular, genetic and biochemical approaches. The PGEC is located in Albany, CA.
Innovative Genomics Institute
IGI - The IGI is composed of diverse researchers at the University of California, Berkeley and the University of California, San Francisco. Together, they conduct world-class research, driven by the real possibility to use genome engineering to treat human diseases and end hunger.
Computational Genomics Resource Laboratory
CGRL - A resource laboratory in QB3, CGRL serves as a focal point for scientists interested in comprehensive analysis of next-generation sequencing data. The lab ensures that campus researchers are equipped with the expertise and infrastructure required for their research programs. By providing seminars and courses for the campus community, CGRL-affiliated researchers can learn the techniques to design and analyze genomics experiments that use next-generation sequencing technologies – specifically, the application of computational genomics to assemble, annotate and analyze next-generation sequences. The lab provides one-on-one and small group research facilitations to assist researchers who may be unfamiliar with the use of standard software for the analysis of high-throughput genomics experiments. CGRL is located in Koshland Hall.
Biological Imaging Facility
The Biological Imaging Facility at the Rausser College of Natural Resources is open to everyone at the university, and is located in Koshland Hall. The facility functions as an instructional and research laboratory for all aspects of modern biological light microscopy, including confocal and deconvolution microscopy, computer image processing and analysis, and most microscopical techniques for developmental and cell biology. Graduate and postdoctoral students can be trained in microscope research techniques, including advanced light microscopy, confocal and deconvolution microscopy, digital image processing of microscope images, and related laboratory techniques. Computer image processing and analysis is taught individually. A detailed overview of light microscopy is taught by Facility Director Denise Schichnes (Techniques in Light Microscopy). In addition, the Facility offers an annual workshop in Plant and Animal Microtechnique designed to train the student in modern and classical methods in preparing microscope slides. Full time staff members demonstrate the correct use of the instruments, train students in the myriad biological techniques required for successful cell biological research and help with all aspects of light microscopy and computer image processing and analysis.