PMB Conference Room Reservations
The department offers five conference rooms and offices. PMB and affiliates may request a reservation directly using the Koshland Hall Room Reservation Form. If you need help with a room reservation or room set-up, please contact the PMB Front Desk at We do not have in-person scheduling at this time. We are also not accepting non-affiliate reservations at this time.
- Please check to make sure your reservation is confirmed and correct (confirmation takes 1-2 days).
- After hours access to rooms: Exclusive to PMB employees, faculty, postdocs, and staff. You will need to use your CAL 1 Card to access the building off-hours. Administrative Staff support will not be able to assist you after-hours. Non-PMB employee/faculty/staff after-hours (after 5 pm) room reservation requests will not be accommodated.
- PMB conference rooms may not be used to schedule regular classes.
When using a conference room, please adhere to the following guidelines:
- Please turn the lights off when you leave.
- Please leave the room in better condition than you found it. Throw away trash, drinks, food. Please wipe down tables if you had food or drinks, and clean up any spills. Wipe and clean whiteboards. Remove any agendas or handouts.
- Room configuration. If you move furniture for your meeting, you must move it back to its original set-up
- Report any issues here:
- Room Reservation Changes & Cancellations: If your meeting time is changed or canceled, please email the front office at to let us know so others can use the room.
Quick Links:
Report problems with conference rooms such as malfunctioning cables, broken furniture, burnt out projector bulbs, etc. immediately to the PMB front office, Please write "conference room issues" in the subject line.
Note: Reserving Classrooms Outside of Koshland Hall
If you are in need of one-time use classroom space, you can go through live 25. This is a campus system for one-time reservations. For complete information on reserving general assignment classrooms for non-class events see the Office of the Registrar's Website.
For classroom lock-outs, please call Facilities Services via 510-642-1032. They can dispatch a custodian to support with locked rooms, though there may be limited support during after-hours. The Classroom Management Team was previously able to assist FS with lock-outs reported to our Hotline number (510-642-2800).
AV technology concerns in general assignment classrooms? Follow the phone menu to connect with the Classroom Technology Staff.
PMB Room Reservation Calendar
Note: each day shows all the reservations for all rooms.
Room Number (follow links for additional photos) | Maximum Capacity | Table | Whiteboard / Chalkboard | Projector and pull-down Screen | Digital Screen |
111E | 8 | ✔ (1) | ✔ (1) | ✔ | ✔ |
111F | 8 | ✔ (1) | ✔ (1) | ✔ | |
274 | 25 | ✔ (1) | ✔ (2) | ✔ | |
338 | 75 | ✔ (modular table - flexible configuration) | ✔ (1) | ✔ | |
438 | 25 | ✔ (1) | ✔ (2) | ✔ |
Koshland Hall Conference Rooms Available:
Koshland Hall 274

Koshland Hall conference room 274. Room capacity: 8 chairs around table, with 12 extra chairs along side. Table: Central rectangle. Whiteboard: 2. Projector set-up: yes. Accessible from Koshland Hall elevators and stairs.
Koshland Hall 338

Koshland Hall conference room 338. Maximum room capacity: 75. Approximately 60 chairs available, with 18 fitting around central table. Table: Configurable modular central table composed of 6 rectangle tables, and 2 half circle end tables. 2 6 ft folding tables are also set at one end of the conference room. Chalkboard: 1. Projector set-up: yes. Accessible via Koshland Hall elevators and stairs.
Koshland Hall 438

Koshland Hall conference room 438. Maximum room capacity: 25. 17 chairs available, with 10 chairs fitting around central table. Table: Oval table. Chalkboard: 1. Whiteboard: 1. Projector set-up: yes. Accessible via Koshland Hall elevators and stairs.
PMB Conference Room Reservation Policy
Annual Timeline
In June, PMB staff will add priority department meetings to the PMB conference room calendars for the next academic year, including:
- Wednesday Seminar alternate space - 338 Koshland 11:30-1:30 p.m.
- Faculty Meetings - 338 Koshland, 11a-2:30p, 2nd Tues of the month
- Grad Student Orientation - 338 Kosh all day end of August (tentative)
- Grad Recruitment Weekend - all conference rooms, all day, date TBD
- Monday Grad/Postdoc Seminar - 338 Koshland, 11:30-1:30 p.m.
- Wednesday all-day reservation for seminar speaker - 111F Koshland
Recurring meetings:
PMB will begin accepting recurring meeting requests on July 1 for the next academic semester. All recurring meetings will be scheduled to end no later than December 31 and must be re-requested on a semester basis.
To keep the rooms open for meeting use, PMB does not allow classes to be scheduled in the conference rooms unless there is an exceptional circumstance.
Prioritizing meetings:
We hope that the annual reservation timeline will help us work out most potential time conflicts for regular meetings well in advance. However, as conference room use is increasing, PMB will prioritize room requests in this order:
- Department-wide meetings (examples: graduate recruitment/orientation, faculty recruitment, faculty meetings)
- Other meetings for PMB Department or CNR business (examples: lab meetings, staff meetings, office hours)
- Other meeting requests from outside groups, if and when these are accepted.
Within this order, priority for scheduling meetings will be on a first come first serve basis. We will do our best to schedule meetings during a timeslot that is available. However, it is possible that your meeting may be “bumped” by a higher priority meeting. If this occurs, will we will reschedule you to another open conference room if one is available.