Welcome to PMB Administrative Matters Resource Pages
Welcome to PMB, the administrative services website for the Department of Plant & Microbial Biology at UC Berkeley.
This site provides information about room reservations, events, seminars, reimbursements and more.

Important Links
- bConnected
- IT Services
- Computer Help
- Regional Services
- Business Contracts, Brand Protection
- Environmental Health & Safety
- Campus Mail and Post Office
- Rausser College News Submission Form
Facilities Help
- Safety and facilities information for the department and college
- Maintenance of department facilities, including Koshland Hall, is handled by the College of Natural Resources Facilities team. They are in charge of all building, safety and repair functions in Koshland Hall, including labs, copiers, elevators and physical infrastructure. Tony Gamez and Jonathan Rennella are always available to help M-F, 8-5.
- After hours and on weekends, campus Facilities Services can help with all facilities needs.
- Please see the table below for the appropriate service and who to contact.
- For urgent issues, call CNR Facilities or Campus Facilities directly, then send a follow-up email to cnrfa_mgmt@berkeley.edu and pmbdesk@berkeley.edu.
- For non-urgent issues, email cnrfa_mgmt@berkeley.edu and cc pmbdesk@berkeley.edu.
Service | Who's in Charge | How to Contact |
Facilities Help M-F, 8-5 | CNR Facilities Team - Tony Gamez and Jonathan Rennella |
510.643.5252 54 Mulford Hall |
Facilities help - nights and weekends | Campus Facilities Services (formerly Physical Plant-PPCS) |
510.642.1032 (24/7) |
Emergency | UC Berkeley Police | 911 or 510.642.3333 |
Card key, Access, Key Requests |
Jonathan Rennella Requests can be made Tues-Thurs 9-11 am and 2-3 pm at 54 Mulford Hall. |
510.664.4881 |
Elevators | CNR Facilities Team |
510.643.5252 54 Mulford Hall After Hours - please contact Campus Facilities Services 510-642-1032 |
Hazardous Waste / Spills | Campus Facilities Services after hours |
510.643.5252 54 Mulford Hall After Hours - please contact Campus Facilities Services 510-642-1032 |
Lost and Found | Items held at 111 Koshland for 3 days, then turned in to UCPD (link to UCPD lost and found) |
111 Koshland: 510.642.9999; UCPD: 510.642.6760 (business phone) |
Greenhouse Manager | Tina Wistrom |
510.642.8189 1751 Walnut Street, 110 Oxford Tract Greenhouse |
Who to Contact:
Questions about purchasing, HR, Research Administration and IT? Check in with the appropirate BEST Region contact. For funds that are administered by other units (EBi, QB3,etc.) please visit the Regional Services page.
How do I report a building or facilities problem? Koshland Hall residents should email Jon Rennella in CNR Facilities or call him at 664-4881. Please cc pmbdesk@berkeley.edu so we can be informed. For after hours emergencies, please contact the Facilities Services 24-hour line at 642-1032, and follow up your call with and email to Jon and the PMB front desk.
How do I set up a Materials Transfer Agreement (MTA)? Please refer to SPO's MTA Quick Guide(link is external) and the IPIRA Materials Transfer agreement(link is external) page for instructions.
PMB Dishwasher Supplies or Common Space Issues: If you need to refill the dishwasher soap please contact the front office, please provide the common space dishwasher room that needs the detergent, if you notice another issue in a common space please contact pmbdesk and provide as many details as possible
Additional Resources
The nearest place to pick up FedEx shipping materials and drop off your packages is the Barker Storeroom.
Website: Report any broken links or questions about the website to the front office. Please provide links or screenshots as a reference.
PMB Dishwasher Supplies or Common Space Issues: If you need to refill the dishwasher soap please contact the front office, please provide the common space dishwasher room that needs the detergent, if you notice another issue in a common space please contact pmbdesk and provide as many details as possible
Not sure who to contact about a problem or grievance send an email to Joanne Straley, Department Manager. Please provide as many details as possible.
Note: Please allow 24-48 hours for a response to your inquiry