Daniel Arnon

Photograph by Reinhard Bachofel, University of California, Berkeley, Summer 1988.

The Arnon Lecture honors the late Professor Daniel I. Arnon (1910-1994). Arnon spent his career at Berkeley, obtaining his Ph.D. in plant biochemistry with Dennis R. Hoagland and later joining the faculty. He is best known for his pioneering research in the fields of photosynthesis and plant biochemistry. His career is recounted in a memoir written for the National Academy of Sciences. The lecture is held annually in early March. Speakers have made distinguished contributions to photosynthesis or a related field and are selected by the Arnon Lecture Committee. 


Arnon Lectures
2000 Paul D. Boyer
2001 George H. Lorimer
2002 Bob B. Buchanan
2003 Jan M. Anderson
2004* Jean-David Rochaix
2004* F.R. Whatley
2005 Joanne Chory
2006 William A. Cramer
2007 Achim Trebst
2008 James Barber
2009 Elisabeth Gantt
2010 Arnon Centennial Symposium at Asilomar**
2011 Jürgen Soll
2012 Don Bryant
2013 Mark Stitt
2014 Robert Blankenship
2015 Roberto Bassi
2016 Eva Mari-Aro
2017 Arthur Grossman
2018 Toshiharu Hase
2019 Francis-Andre Wollman
2020 Petra Fromme
2021 Susan Golden
2022 Himadri Pakrasi
2023 J. Clark Lagarias
2024 Toshiharu Shikanai

* Two lectures held to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the discovery of photophospphorylation
** No lecturer chosen this year


Upcoming Arnon Endowed Lectures

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Past Arnon Endowed Lectures