Professors John Coates and Sabeeha Merchant are a few of the Rausser College researchers helping the bioeconomy bring renewable, carbon-negative products to a global scale.
Women in STEM seminar series: Cecilia Martinez-Gomez
Martinez-Gomez, an assistant professor in PMB, breaks down her research on bacterial metabolism and offers career advice for aspiring scientists.
Building community through open dialogue
The Department of Plant and Microbial Biology’s Directed Conversations allow for discussion and connection on the topics of racial justice and discrimination, belonging, and equity and inclusion.
Like the Borg of Star Trek, these ‘aliens’ assimilate DNA from other microbes
PhD candidates Basem Al-Shayeb and Luis Valentin-Alvarado, and alum Alexander Crits-Christoph have helped identify a new transferrable DNA structure that appears to play a role in balancing atmospheric methane.
Research team receives $15.8M to modify poplar for bioproducts
Professor Patrick Shih is part of a Department of Energy-funded team led by University of Georgia researchers to reengineer poplar trees into biofuel.