Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. Plant Physiology University of California, Berkeley
B.S. Botany National Taiwan University
The Sung laboratory investigates the mechanism that represses flowering and seed development, whereby enabling vegetative growth and expanding life span. We focus on the epigenetic mechanism that regulates the flowering and seed development genes by the Polycomb Group (PcG) and trithorax Group (trxG) protein complexes. We also take a phylogenetic approach to study the origin and evolution of the PcG genes, as well as their function in early emerging plants. The long term goal is to understand their contribution in the evolution of plant development and generation of diverse morphology.
Epigenetic regulation of plant development

Pu, L., and Sung, Z.R. (2015). PcG and trxG in plants - friends or foes. Trends Genet 31, 252-262.
Chen, X., Qi, Y., and Sung, Z.R. (2014). Special issue on plant epigenetics. Mol Plant 7, 453.
Pu, L., Liu, M.S., Kim, S.Y., Chen, L.F., Fletcher, J.C., and Sung, Z.R. (2013). EMBRYONIC FLOWER1 and ULTRAPETALA1 Act Antagonistically on Arabidopsis Development and Stress Response. Plant Physiol 162, 812-830.
Kim, S.Y., Lee, J., Eshed-Williams, L., Zilberman, D., and Sung, Z.R. (2012). EMF1 and PRC2 Cooperate to Repress Key Regulators of Arabidopsis Development. PLoS Genet 8, e1002512.
Liu, M.S., Chen, L.F., Lin, C.H., Lai, Y.M., Huang, J.Y., and Sung, Z.R. (2012). Molecular and functional characterization of broccoli EMBRYONIC FLOWER 2 genes. Plant Cell Physiol 53, 1217-1231.
Park, H.Y., Lee, S.Y., Seok, H.Y., Kim, S.H., Sung, Z.R., and Moon, Y.H. (2011). EMF1 interacts with EIP1, EIP6 or EIP9 involved in the regulation of flowering time in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Physiol 52, 1376-1388.
Kim, S.Y., Zhu, T., and Sung, Z.R. (2010). Epigenetic regulation of gene programs by EMF1 and EMF2 in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 152, 516-528.
Chen, L.J., Diao, Z.Y., Specht, C., and Sung, Z.R. (2009). Molecular evolution of VEF-domain-containing PcG genes in plants. Mol Plant 2, 738-754.
Sanchez, R., Kim, M.Y., Calonje, M., Moon, Y.H., and Sung, Z.R. (2009). Temporal and Spatial Requirement of EMF1 Activity for Arabidopsis Vegetative and Reproductive Development. Molecular Plant 2, 643-653.
Calonje, M., Sanchez, R., Chen, L., and Sung, Z.R. (2008). EMBRYONIC FLOWER1 participates in polycomb group-mediated AG gene silencing in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 20, 277-291.
Sanchez-Pulido, L., Devos, D., Sung, Z.R., and Calonje, M. (2008). RAWUL: A new ubiquitin-like domain in PRC1 ring finger proteins that unveils putative plant and worm PRC1 orthologs. Bmc Genomics 9.
Calonje, M., and Sung, Z.R. (2006). Complexity beneath the silence. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 9, 530-537.
Chanvivattana, Y., Bishopp, A., Schubert, D., Stock, C., Moon, Y.H., Sung, Z.R., and Goodrich, J. (2004). Interaction of Polycomb-group proteins controlling flowering in Arabidopsis. Development 131, 5263-5276.
Henderson, J.T., Li, H.C., Rider, S.D., Mordhorst, A.P., Romero-Severson, J., Cheng, J.C., Robey, J., Sung, Z.R., de Vries, S.C., and Ogas, J. (2004). PICKLE acts throughout the plant to repress expression of embryonic traits and may play a role in gibberellin-dependent responses. Plant Physiol 134, 995-1005.
Lertpiriyapong, K., and Sung, Z.R. (2003). The elongation defective1 mutant of Arabidopsis is impaired in the gene encoding a serine-rich secreted protein. Plant Mol Biol 53, 581-595.
Moon, Y.H., Chen, L., Pan, R.L., Chang, H.S., Zhu, T., Maffeo, D.M., and Sung, Z.R. (2003). EMF genes maintain vegetative development by repressing the flower program in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 15, 681-693.
Sung, Z.R., Chen, L., Moon, Y.H., and Lertpiriyapong, K. (2003). Mechanisms of floral repression in Arabidopsis. Curr Opin Plant Biol 6, 29-35.
Avsian-Kretchmer, O., Cheng, J.C., Chen, L., Moctezuma, E., and Sung, Z.R. (2002). Indole acetic acid distribution coincides with vascular differentiation pattern during Arabidopsis leaf ontogeny. Plant Physiol 130, 199-209.
Yoshida, N., Yanai, Y., Chen, L.J., Kato, Y., Hiratsuka, J., Miwa, T., Sung, Z.R., and Takahashi, S. (2001). EMBRYONIC FLOWER2, a novel polycomb group protein homolog, mediates shoot development and flowering in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 13, 2471-2481.
Aubert, D., Chen, L.J., Moon, Y.H., Martin, D., Castle, L.A., Yang, C.H., and Sung, Z.R. (2001). EMF1, a novel protein involved in the control of shoot architecture and flowering in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 13, 1865-1875.
Bai, S., Chen, L., Yund, M.A., and Sung, Z.R. (2000). Mechanisms of plant embryo development. Curr Top Dev Biol 50, 61-88.
Cheng, J.C., Lertpiriyapong, K., Wang, S., and Sung, Z.R. (2000). The role of the Arabidopsis ELD1 gene in cell development and photomorphogenesis in darkness. Plant Physiol 123, 509-520.
Vernoux, T., Wilson, R.C., Seeley, K.A., Reichheld, J.P., Muroy, S., Brown, S., Maughan, S.C., Cobbett, C.S., Van Montagu, M., Inze, D., May, M.J., and Sung, Z.R. (2000). The ROOT MERISTEMLESS1/CADMIUM SENSITIVE2 gene defines a glutathione-dependent pathway involved in initiation and maintenance of cell division during postembryonic root development. Plant Cell 12, 97-110.
24 - Freshman Seminar
150L - Laboratory for Plant Cell Biology
150 - Plant Cell Biology
192C - Biological Sciences
199 - Supervised Independent Study

Z. Renee Sung
Berkeley, CA 94720