Associate Professor, Plant & Microbial Biology
Ph.D. Biochemistry University of Colorado at Boulder, 1997
B.S. Chemical Engineering Cornell University
Plant-Pathogen Interactions
Research Overview
In my laboratory, we generate, analyze, and integrate biological information across disciplines to:
We are particularly interested in integrating data from our lab with that of others to gain a holistic understanding of processes of importance to the sustained growth and reproduction of an adapted powdery mildew pathogen on its host plant. New initatives include:
Chandran D, Rickert J, Huang Y, Steinwand MA, Marr SK, Wildermuth MC. (2014) Atypical E2F transcriptional repressor DEL1 acts at the intersection of plant growth and immunity by controlling the hormone salicylic acid. Cell Host Microbe 15: 506-13.
Chandran D., Rickert J.C., Cherk C., Dotson B.R., and M.C. Wildermuth (2013) Host ploidy underlying the fungal feeding site is a determinant of powdery mildew growth and reproduction. Mol. Plant Microbe Interact. 26: 537-45.
M.C. Wildermuth (2010) Modulation of host nuclear ploidy: a common plant biotroph mechanism. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 13: 449-458. PDF
Chandran, D., Inada, N., Hather, G., Kleindt, C.K. and M.C. Wildermuth (2009) Laser microdissection of Arabidopsis cells at the powdery mildew infection site reveals site-specific processes and regulators. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107: 460-5. Epub Dec 14, 2009. PDF Supplemental material
Okrent, R.A., Brooks, M.D., and M.C. Wildermuth (2009) Arabidopsis GH3.12 (PBS3) conjugates amino acids to 4-substituted benzoates and is inhibited by salicylate. Journal of Biological Chemistry 284: 9472-54. PDF
Chandran, D., Tai, Y.C., Hather, G., Dewdney, J., Denoux, C., Burgess, D.G., Ausubel, F.M., Speed, T.P., and M.C. Wildermuth (2009) Temporal global expression data reveals known and novel salicylate-impacted processes and regulators mediating powdery mildew growth and reproduction on Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 149: 1435-1451. PDF
Zhang, N.R., Wildermuth, M.C., and T.P.Speed (2008) Transcription factor binding site prediction with multivariate gene expression data. Annals of Applied Statistics 2: 332-365. PDF Supplement
Jones, A.M., Lindow, S.E., and M.C. Wildermuth (2007) Salicylic acid, yersiniabactin, and pyoverdin production by the model phytopathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000: Synthesis, regulation, and impact on tomato and Arabidopsis host plants. Journal of Bacteriology 189: 6773-6786. PDF Supplement
Nobuta, K., Okrent, R.A., Stoutemyer, M., Rodibaugh, N., Kempema, L., *^Wildermuth, M.C., and R.W. *Innes (2007) The GH3 acyl adenylase family member PBS3 regulates salicylic acid-dependent defense responses in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 144: 1144-1156. * co-senior authors; ^corresponding author. PDF Supplement
Strawn, M.A., Marr, S.K., Inoue, K., Inada, N., Zubieta, C., and M.C. Wildermuth (2006) Arabidopsis isochorismate synthase functional in pathogen-induced salicylate biosynthesis exhibits properties consistent with a role in diverse stress responses. Journal of Biological Chemistry 282: 5919-5933. PDF
M.C. Wildermuth (2006) Variations on a theme: synthesis and modification of plant benzoic acids. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 9: 288-296. PDF
Inada, N. and M.C. Wildermuth (2004) Novel tissue preparation method and cell-specific marker for laser microdissection of Arabidopsis mature leaf. Planta 221:9-16. PDF
Gu, Y.-Q., Wildermuth, M.C., Chakravarthy, S., Loh, Y.-T., Yang, C., He, X., Han, Y., and G.B. Martin (2002) Tomato transcription factors Pti4, Pti5, and Pti6 activate defense responses in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 14: 817-831. PDF
Wildermuth, M.C., Dewdney, J., Wu, G., and F.M. Ausubel (2001) Isochorismate synthase is required to synthesize salicylic acid for plant defense. Nature 414: 562-565. PDF Supplemental Figure Supplemental Table
Dewdney, J., Reuber, T.L., Wildermuth, M.C., Devoto, A., Cuit, J., Stutius, L.M., Drummond, E.P., and F.M. Ausubel (2000) Three unique mutants of Arabidopsis identify EDS loci required for limiting growth of a biotrophic fungal pathogen. Plant Journal 24: 205-218. PDF
Guenther, A., Archer, S., Greenberg, J., Harley, P., Helmig, D., Klinger, L. Vierling, L., Wildermuth, M., Zimmerman, P., and S. Zitzer (1999) Biogenic hydrocarbon emissions and landcover/climate change in a subtropical savanna. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 24: 659-667.
Fall, R. and M.C. Wildermuth (1998) Isoprene synthase: from biochemical mechanism to emission algorithm. Journal of Geophysical Research 103: 25,599-25,609.
Wildermuth, M.C. and R. Fall (1998) Biochemical characterization of stromal and thylakoid-bound isoforms of isoprene synthase in willow leaves. Plant Physiology 116: 1111-1121.
Wildermuth, M.C. and R. Fall (1996) Light-dependent isoprene emission: Characterization of a thylakoid-bound isoprene synthase in Salix discolor chloroplasts. Plant Physiology 112: 171-82.
Monson, R.K., Harley, P.C., Litvak, M.E., Wildermuth, M., Guenther, A.B., Zimmerman, P.R., and R. Fall (1994) Environmental and developmental controls over the seasonal pattern of isoprene emission from aspen leaves. Oecologia 99: 260-270.
Guenther, A., Zimmerman, P. and M. Wildermuth (1994) Natural volatile organic compound emission rate estimates for U.S. woodland landscapes. Atmospheric Environment 28: 1197-1210.
UC Berkeley Chancellor's Community Partnership Grant - 2014
Berkeley Public School Foundation BeAScientist Program Award - 2014
Bakar Fellowship - University of California, Berkeley - 2013
NSF Creativity Extension Award - 2013
Winkler Family Foundation Award - Winkler Family Foundation - 2007
Presidential Chair Fellow - University of California, Berkeley - 2005
Neish Young Investigator Award - Phytochemistry Society of North America - 2005
USDA National Research Initiative Award, Postdoctoral Fellowship - USDA - 2000
NIAID Mechanisms in Bacterial Pathogenesis, Postdoctoral Fellowship - Harvard Medical School - 1998

Mary C. Wildermuth
Berkeley, CA 94720