Professor Emeritus
PhD Genetics University of Alberta, 1978
B.Sc. Mathematics University of Alberta, 1974
Chris Somerville moved from Stanford University and the Carnegie Institution for Science to UC Berkeley in July 2007 to lead the development of the Energy Biosciences Institute (EBI), which he subsequently directed until 2016. Somerville published more than 250 research papers in biochemistry and cell and molecular biology. His work was largely focused on elucidating the mechanisms by which the major storage and structural components of plants and bacteria were synthesized, and, in recent years, he also studied how such components could be depolymerized for use as feedstocks and synthons for production of fuels and chemicals. He was an early advocate for the use of Arabidopsis as a model organism and was an organizer of the international collaboration that sequenced the Arabidopsis genome. He and Elliot Meyerowitz (Caltech) shared the Balzan Prize for their role in establishing Arabidopsis as one of the most widely used model organisms. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society of London. Somerville was the recipient of many other awards and has been awarded six honorary doctorates. He now works in a philanthropy that supports basic and applied scientific research.
Tilman, D., Socolow, R., Foley, J.A., Hill, J., Larson, E., Lynd, L., Pacala, S., Reilly, J., Searchinger, T., Somerville, C., Williams, R. (2009) Beneficial Biofuels—The Food,
Energy, and Environment Trilemma. Science, 325,270-271
Bleecker, A.B., Estelle, M., Somerville, C., Kende, H. (1988) A dominant mutation confers insensitivity to ethylene in Arabidopsis thaliana. Science 241,1086-1089
Somerville, C., Bauer, S., Brininstool, G., Facette, M., Hamann, T., Milne, J., Osborne, E., Paredez, A., Persson, S., Raab, T., Vorwerk, S., Youngs, H. (2004) Towards a systems approach to understanding plant cell walls. Science 306, 2206-2211
Somerville, C., Youngs, H., Taylor, C., Davis, S., and Long, S.P. (2010). Feedstocks for lignocellulosic biofuels. Science 329, 790-792
Newman, T., de Bruijn, F.J., Green, P., Keegstra, K., Kende, H., McIntosh, L., Ohlrogge, J., Raikhel, N., Somerville, S., Thomashow, M., Retzel, E., Somerville, C.R. (1994) Genes galore: a summary of the methods for accessing the results from large-scale partial sequencing of anonymous Arabidopsis cDNA clones. Plant Physiol.106,1241-1255
Cutler, S.R., Ehrhardt, D.W., Griffitts, J.S., and Somerville, C.R. (2000) Random GFP::cDNA fusions enable visualization of subcellular structures in cells of Arabidopsis at a high frequency. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97,3718-3723
Somerville, C.R. (2006) Cellulose synthesis in higher plants. Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. 22,53-78
Carroll, A., Somerville, C.R. (2009) Cellulosic biofuels. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 160, 165-82
Haughn, G.W., Somerville, C.R. (1986) Sulfonylurea resistant mutants of Arabidopsis. Molec. Gen. Genet. 204, 430-434
Estelle, M.A., Somerville, C.R. (1987) Auxin-resistant mutants of Arabidopsis. Molec. Gen. Genet. 206, 200-206
Arondel, V., Lemieux, B., Hwang, I., Gibson, S., Goodman, H., Somerville, C.R. (1992) Map-based cloning of a gene controlling omega-3 fatty acid desaturation in Arabidopsis. Science 258,1353-1355
Wilson, R.N., Somerville, C.R. (1992) Gibberellin is required for flowering but not for senescence in Arabidopsis thaliana under short days. Plant Physiol. 100,403-408

Chris R. Somerville
Berkeley, California 94720