PMB Retreat 2014 at Asilomar

September 10, 2014

Poster Prizes, Amazing Presentations and Photographs

Chair of PMB, N. Louise Glass, with Poster Prize Winners: (1st) Rose Kantor, (2nd) Mike Steinwand, (Honorable Mentions) Cat Adams, Justin Zik, Elias Cornejo-Warner and Kulika ChomvongPoster prize winners, above, with PMB Chair N. Louise Glass

By Karyn Houston
Plant & Microbial Biology

Keynote Speech by Chris Somerville

The Department of Plant & Microbial Biology held its annual Retreat at Asilomar Conference Center Sept. 5-7, 2014.

Graduate Student and Associate Professor Mary Wildermuth

Excellent scientific presentations by more than a dozen labs were complemented by amazing fall weather.

Energy Biosciences Institute Director Chris Somerville gave a warmly received keynote speech about biofuels, plants and microbiology, sharing a "big picture" glimpse about the research being done at the Institute. Somerville is also a PMB professor.

Grad Students Chris Hann-Soden and Justin Zik put together a memorable evening of skits, fun and games on both Friday and Saturday night. In addition, they introduced the incoming graduate student class of 2014-15.

Check out our Facebook page for more photographs, and please "like" us while you are there: PMB Facebook