PMB researchers engage kids in scientific exploration
By Karyn Houston
Plant & Microbial Biology
During the weekend of June 27-29, PMB researchers Professor Jennifer Fletcher, postdocs Etienne Grienenberger, Elena Shemyakina and Peter DiGennaro, and graduate students Anne Runkel, William Moore and Stephen Yee took part in scientific outreach at Evolution Expo 2014 in Oakland, CA.
Evolution Expo 2014 was a first-of-its-kind event featuring science and science fiction-related exhibits, workshops, lectures and presentations. Keynote speaker Mayim Bialik, a neuroscientist and star of the hit CBS comedy “The Big Bang Theory,” as well as U.S. Space Shuttle astronauts Joe Edwards and Wendy Lawrence headlined the star-studded guest list.
The event brought together astronauts, engineers and innovators in space exploration, alongside the celebrities who play them on screen, to explore the impact of science on science fiction and inspire kids of all ages to greater engagement in math and science.
PMB scientists participated in the Evo Kids education program for kids from the local community and the Oakland Unified School District, along with Joe Edwards and Wendy Lawrence, Pascal Lee of the Mars Institute and Chris McKay and Tony Leavitt of the NASA Ames Research Center.
In addition, Fletcher gave daily lectures on her molecular genetics research as part of the Hard Science Presentations programming track.
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