Check out footage featuring Ice Nucleation Magic Show and more
The College of Natural Resources recently hosted a Cal Day extravaganza, open to incoming students, their families and the public.
Plant & Microbial Biology Professor, and Executive Associate Dean of the College of Natural Resources, Steve Lindow gave continual demonstrations of his "Ice Nucleation Magic Show" to people of all ages. Everyone was fascinated as they watched water turn into ice - instantly!
The Microbiology Student Group hosted an Amazing Microscopic Carnival, in which visitors were able to learn about microbes and actually view their own microbe thumbprint on a slide later uploaded to a web site for viewing.
Denise Schichnes, staff scientist for the College's Biological Imaging Facility, gave everyone an opportunity to look through the microscope. They could then draw pictures of the images for posting. Several of the Facility's premier microscopes were set up for use by the public.
At the Energy Biosciences Institute display, researchers explained how grass feedstocks are broken down into sugars and fermented into ethanol to make "grassoline." Safety glasses were given to youngsters who followed the conversion pathway. The public learned how scientists spin simple grasses into bioenergy gold.
Visit the links below to see Cal Day in action: