Post-Evolutionary Biology: Design of novel protein structures, functions and assemblies Abstract: Proteins mediate the critical processes of life and beautifully solve the challenges faced during the evolution of modern organisms. Our goal is to design a new generation of proteins that address current day problems not faced during evolution. In contrast to traditional protein engineering...
Past PMB Seminars
For a schedule of all Plant & Microbial Biology events, seminars, and lectures visit our calendar.
Lars Dietrich: Metabolic regulation of community behavior in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
The Dietrich Lab studies bacterial models for biological shape and pattern formation. The lab also focuses on molecular mechanisms of pattern formation in bacterial communities and mechanisms of membrane invagination and shape determination in purple phototrophs.
Sibum Sung: Mechanisms controlling temperature-mediated developmental changes in Arabidopsis
The Sung laboratory works to understand how the environment affects gene expression resulting in different developmental fates in plants.
Erica Newman: Erica Newman-Ecology in a Changing World: Differentiating the Effects of Natural Disturbance Regimes from Anthropogenic Changes on Ecosystems in Transition
Disturbances, such as wildfire, hurricanes, and floods have a fundamental role in structuring ecological communities, and the study of these processes and extension to novel ecological disruptions is of increasing importance due to global change. A better understanding of ecological perturbations and quantitative comparisons of their effects over multiple scales is required for both species-level...
N. Louise Glass: Investigating fungal communication
The Glass laboratory is interested in cell specialization, communication and nonself recognition, all crucial mechanisms in microbial organisms such as filamentous fungi.