"Ron Mittler always thought he would be a veterinarian, until he was exposed to the lab. 'I went to school to be a vet,' Mittler said. 'I made the mistake of working in the lab to make money in the summer and I got hooked on research. I worked with plants and I realized it is the best job to have for me.' That 'mistake' has turned into a career of research and teaching in academia. The...
Past PMB Seminars
For a schedule of all Plant & Microbial Biology events, seminars, and lectures visit our calendar.
Ellen Yeh: Searching away from the streetlight: surprises from malaria's plastid organelle
"Ellen Yeh is an Associate Professor of Biochemistry, of Pathology, and of Microbiology and Immunology at Stanford University. The Yeh Lab focuses on the apicoplast, a prokaryotically-derived plastid organelle unique to Plasmodium (and other pathogenic Apicomplexa parasites) and a key anti-malarial drug target" - Yeh Lab
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The Future of Food: Genetic Improvement Meets Sustainable Agriculture
Brian Staskawicz (UC Berkeley) and Pam Ronald (UC Davis) discuss the latest advances in using genome editing and other genetic technologies to promote sustainable agriculture at scale, both promises and potential pitfalls, and how we move from lab to field safely and equitably.
Patrick Keeling: Buchanan Lecture: Coral, Photosynthesis, and the origin of Apicomplexan Parasites
Patrick John Keeling is a biologist and professor in the Department of Botany at the University of British Columbia. His research investigates the phylogeny, genomics and molecular evolution of protists and his work has led to numerous advances in assembling the eukaryotic tree of life.
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N. Cecilia Martinez-Gomez: Thriving with Lanthanides: New Life Metals in Methylotrophy
We would like to welcome Assistant Professor N. Cecilia Martinez-Gomez to the Plant and Microbial Biology Department at UC Berkeley. Cecilia previously worked at the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics at Michigan State University where she did research in Microbial Metabolism, particularly one-carbon metabolism, and worked on the project 'Lanthanide biochemistry and metabolism'.
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Steven Lindow: Martin Meyerson Berkeley Faculty Research Lectures: Understanding Microbial Life on Leaves
As a world leader in the environmental and ecological sciences, Professor Steven Lindow has been a dominant force in revealing complex interactions between microbes, plants, and the environment. Using genetic and molecular research techniques, his current work focuses on developing biological strategies for addressing plant disease and frost control that can serve as alternatives to chemical...
Of Virulent Viruses and Reservoir Hosts
Join professor Britt Glaunsinger and postdoc Cara Brook in a Berkeley Conversation webinar on lethal viruses, pathogen transfers to humans, and more.
Joseph Mougous: Interbacterial antagonism: an ancient process that remains full of surprises
Dr. Mougous performed his graduate studies at the University of California at Berkeley in the laboratory of Dr. Carolyn Bertozzi. The Mougous Laboratory studies the interactions of bacteria with each other and with their hosts. Many interactions between bacteria involve toxins that one cell injects into another. A major focus of the Mougous Laboratory has been to identify such toxins and to...
Timothy Close: Cowpea: a reliable friend of humanity and its genome
Agricultural Plant Genomics and BreedingResource development: high-density genotyping, genome sequences, markers, germplasmCowpea (Vigna unguiculata): biotic & abioitic stress, seed quality, domestication traitsDehydrin proteins and multigene family.